Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Walkera X-Z-18 internals

The Walkera X-Z-18 camera is a very cheap and simple flight recording camera. It is intended for usage with Walkera’s Hoten-X or Ladybird quadcopters but it can also be used with other copters.
See this post for how to install and use it.

I’m always interested in how thing’s work so the following post describes some internals of the X-Z-18 camera.

Click on a picture for a larger view

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Google Glass used in Crisis & Disaster management - new paper

After weeks of development and several practice tests a summary paper is now available at the IDIRA webpage at www.idira.eu (local copy here)

It describes the findings and experiences of using Google Glass in Crisis & Disaster Management.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Google Glass for disaster relief field forces 2nd test

As already described in this post I’m testing Google Glass skills being used during disasters by relief field forces. Last week I conduct the second practice test during the IDIRA large scale excercise in Athens hosted by the Helenic Navy at their Skaramangas naval base and conducted as ENCELADUS 2014 exercise.




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