One of the important parts of a quadcopter controller is a gyro. The RX2635H uses an ITG-3205 from INVENSENSE. Accessing it is very simple as it uses the I2C interface (Two Wire Interface - TWI on the XMEGA) to read the X, Y and Z values of the gyro.
This post is part of a series
- Flashing new Firmware to Walkera RX/TX without UP02
- Decrypting receiver firmware
- Walkera receiver components
- Hello World firmware for the RX2635H board
- Serial port and external 16MHz oscillator
- Using the ITG-3205 mems gyro (this post)
- Walkera UP02 software clone: UP42
- Walkera RX2635H as generic development board?
- Walkera USB port
- Walkera + Arduino = Walkino
The ITG-3205 is connected to the XMEGA I2C (TWI) pins on PORTE. The following sample application reads the chip ID and the X, Y and Z values via I2C and prints it on the serial console. The ITG3-205 can have the 7bit I2C addresses 0×68 or 0×69 depending on pin 9. On the RX2635H board this pin is low (0) so it uses the I2C address 0×68.
The RX2635H board image shows the location of the ITG-3205 and also its X, Y and Z sensitivity directions as well as the I2C data (SDA) and clock (SCL) lines.
Be sure to include a printf library (e.g. printf_min) in your project as it uses the printf C library function for output of the sensor values. You can download the complete AVR Studio solution here.
#include <avr/io.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> // 16MHz CPU speed using external oscillator #define F_CPU 16000000UL char b = 1; // Some defines and macros for calculating the I2C bus speed // We use 100kHz for the I2C bus on XMEGA port E #define I2C_E_BAUDRATE 100000 #define I2C_BAUD(F_SYS, F_TWI) ((F_SYS / (2 * F_TWI)) - 5) #define I2C_E_BAUD I2C_BAUD(F_CPU, I2C_E_BAUDRATE) // ITG-3205 can have the 7bit I2C addresses 0x68 or 0x69 depending on // ITG-3205 pin 9. On the RX2635H board this pin is low (0) so it has // the I2C address 0x68. The address 0x68 is shifted 1 bit to the // left because of the I2C read/write bit which gives 0xD0. #define ITG3205_ADDR 0xD0 // buffer for reading and writing data on the I2C bus uint8_t buffer[8]; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // 16MHz external resonator setup void setupOsc(void) { //16MHz external crystal OSC_XOSCCTRL = OSC_FRQRANGE_12TO16_gc | OSC_XOSCSEL_XTAL_16KCLK_gc; //Enable external oscillator OSC_CTRL |= OSC_XOSCEN_bm; //Wait for clock stabilization while(!(OSC_STATUS & OSC_XOSCRDY_bm)); // Selects clock system as external clock // through change protection mechanism CCP = CCP_IOREG_gc; CLK_CTRL = CLK_SCLKSEL_XOSC_gc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // red LED on PD4 void setupLED(void) { // PD4 = LED output PORTD_OUTSET = PIN4_bm; PORTD_DIRSET = PIN4_bm; } void LEDon(void) { PORTD.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm; } void LEDoff(void) { PORTD.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2nd serial port on PD6, PD7 void setupSerial(void) { // PD7 = RS232 TX output PORTD_OUTSET = PIN7_bm; PORTD_DIRSET = PIN7_bm; // PD6 = RS232 RX input PORTD_OUTCLR = PIN6_bm; PORTD_DIRCLR = PIN6_bm; // calculate 9600 baud // BSEL = (16000000 / (2^0 * 16 * 9600) - 1 = 103,1666 // BSCALE = 0 // FBAUD = (16000000 / (2^0 * 16 * (103 + 1)) = 9615.384 USARTD1_BAUDCTRLB = 0; USARTD1_BAUDCTRLA = 0x67; // 103 // Disable interrupts, just for safety USARTD1_CTRLA = 0; // 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit USARTD1_CTRLC = USART_CHSIZE_8BIT_gc; // enable receive and transmit USARTD1_CTRLB = USART_TXEN_bm | USART_RXEN_bm; } void sendChar(char c) { while( !(USARTD1_STATUS & USART_DREIF_bm) ); USARTD1_DATA = c; } static int sendCharStream(char c, FILE *stream) { if(c == 'n') sendCharStream('r', stream); sendChar(c); return 0; } void sendString(const char *text) { while(*text) sendChar(*text++); } char receiveChar(void) { while( !(USARTD1_STATUS & USART_RXCIF_bm) ); return USARTD1_DATA; } int receiveCharStream(FILE *stream) { char c = receiveChar(); if(c == 'r') c = 'n'; // Send to console what has been received, so we can // see when typing sendCharStream(c, stream); return c; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // I2C interface on PORTE - connected to ITG-3205 gyro void setupI2C_E() { TWIE.MASTER.CTRLB = TWI_MASTER_SMEN_bm; TWIE.MASTER.BAUD = I2C_E_BAUD; TWIE.MASTER.CTRLA = TWI_MASTER_ENABLE_bm; TWIE.MASTER.STATUS = TWI_MASTER_BUSSTATE_IDLE_gc; } void writeI2C_E(uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) { TWIE.MASTER.ADDR = slaveAddr; while( !(TWIE.MASTER.STATUS & TWI_MASTER_WIF_bm) ); TWIE.MASTER.DATA = addr; while( !(TWIE.MASTER.STATUS & TWI_MASTER_WIF_bm) ); for(uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { TWIE.MASTER.DATA = buffer[i]; while( !(TWIE.MASTER.STATUS & TWI_MASTER_WIF_bm) ); } TWIE.MASTER.CTRLC = TWI_MASTER_CMD_STOP_gc; } void readI2C_E(uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) { uint8_t slaveReadAddr = slaveAddr | 0x01; TWIE.MASTER.ADDR = slaveAddr; while( !(TWIE.MASTER.STATUS & TWI_MASTER_WIF_bm) ); TWIE.MASTER.DATA = addr; while( !(TWIE.MASTER.STATUS & TWI_MASTER_WIF_bm) ); TWIE.MASTER.ADDR = slaveReadAddr; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { while( !(TWIE.MASTER.STATUS & TWI_MASTER_RIF_bm) ); if((i + 1) == len) TWIE.MASTER.CTRLC |= TWI_MASTER_ACKACT_bm; else TWIE.MASTER.CTRLC &= ~TWI_MASTER_ACKACT_bm; buffer[i] = TWIE.MASTER.DATA; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // main part // use printf to print X,Y and Z values from the gyro to the // serial port FILE serialStream = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(sendCharStream, receiveCharStream, _FDEV_SETUP_RW); int main(void) { int16_t T; int16_t X; int16_t Y; int16_t Z; setupOsc(); setupLED(); setupSerial(); stdout = stdin = &serialStream; setupI2C_E(); printf("\r\nITG-3205 Gyro Test\r\n"); // read ID from gyro // see page 23 of ITG-3205 manual readI2C_E(ITG3205_ADDR, 0x00, buffer, 1); printf("ID=(0x%02x)\r\n", buffer[0]); while(1) { memset(&buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); // read Temperature, X, Y and Z values from gyro // see page 27 of ITG-3205 manual readI2C_E(ITG3205_ADDR, 0x1B, buffer, 8); T = (buffer[0] << 8) + buffer[1]; X = (buffer[2] << 8) + buffer[3]; Y = (buffer[4] << 8) + buffer[5]; Z = (buffer[6] << 8) + buffer[7]; printf("TEMP=(%6d), X=(%6d), Y=(%6d), Z=(%6d) \r", T, X, Y, Z); if(b) LEDon(); else LEDoff(); b = !b; } }