Thursday, July 20, 2017

DEC112 - Funding Application -


Today we completed the next step in advancing our efforts to make next generation 112 available for people in need in Austria.
We have submitted a funding application to, Austrias largest internet funding initiative. One part of the application was the requirement for a short video about us, the project and the goals.

You can find it on youtube (in german) - be nice to us, we are not video professionals :-)


See also the introduction to DEC112.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Proxy Mobile IPv6 using Cisco


Proxy Mobile IPv6 (or PMIPv6 for short) allows an ordinary host (PC, Laptop, Smartphone etc.) to use a non changing IP address while roaming between different access points/routers within a PMIP domain. See Wikipedia for more info’s. Cisco offers a powerful implementation in its IOS targeted at large scale installations with regard to ease of deployment and management. For this to work Cisco recommends things like Lightweight Access Points - LAP, Wireless LAN Controllers - WLC and protocols like Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points - CAPWAP. Using these components its fairly easy to setup and manage PMIPv6 domains. See this Cisco guide for more infos.

For a project I had to design a very, very low level PMIPv6 lab without almost all the nice things Cisco recommends. And - it works - almost.
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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

ESA ESTEC Final Presentation Days 2017


I was very pleased to give a presentation about the AMP Testbed Project at this years ESA ARTES Final Presentation Days on March, 8th 2017 at ESAs technical center ESTEC Newton conference room.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Helping deaf and hearing impaired people in Austria - DEC112


Today’s emergency services are almost voice-only capable and only a marginal share of data and multimedia is used by Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).

Improving access to emergency services for deaf and hard of hearing citizens induces enabling PSAPs and people in need to handle their modes of communications such as text.


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