Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Walkera X-Z-18 internals

The Walkera X-Z-18 camera is a very cheap and simple flight recording camera. It is intended for usage with Walkera’s Hoten-X or Ladybird quadcopters but it can also be used with other copters.
See this post for how to install and use it.

I’m always interested in how thing’s work so the following post describes some internals of the X-Z-18 camera.

Click on a picture for a larger view

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Flashing new Firmware to Walkera RX/TX without UP02


So you have a new quadcopter or transmitter from Walkera and found out that there is a new firmware available on the Walkera download site. Unfortunately you don’t have the UP02 and its companion UP02-Adaptor at hand but want to update regardless. In this blog post I’ll describe another way to update your device.

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Controlling your R/C transmitter from a PC using an Arduino

Based on this post which describes controlling a Flight Simulator software with your R/C transmitter the following post describes the other way round: controlling a R/C model from the PC using an Arduino UNO.

The R/C transmitter used in this project is a Walkera Devention DEVO-7.

There are two ways to control a R/C modell from the PC:

  1. Using a standard R/C transmitter by using the trainer port most transmitters have (this should also work on older transmitter models). In this case the PC is responsible for providing a PPM signal which contains information’s about all transmitter channels. The PC can produce such a signal using it’s sound card or by using an Arduino connected to the PC via USB.

  2. By using only the transmitter module which could be found especially in newer 2GHz transmitters. The transmitter module used by the Devo7 is a WK-21201RF which uses a Cypress CYRF6936 wireless USB chip. This module has just 8 pins using standard signals like MISO, MOSI, Reset, CS, VDD, GND (Pinout can be found on Google) and can be directly connected to the Arduino.

This solution uses the DSC trainer port of the Devo7 (so there is no need to open the Devo7) and an Arduino for creating the PPM signal.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Raspberry PI as cloud temperature logger

After building the Raspberry PI extension board it’s time to do some useful things with it.

The board contains an I2C temperature sensor and you can also connect external sensors so how can you use it to monitor temperatures over a long time range and store and visualize the measurements?

This post describes a very simple way to do this as well as how to store the measurement data local as well as in the cloud.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Connecting your R/C Transmitter to a PC using an Arduino UNO

So you have just bought your new very fancy quadcopter? Fine! But I’m pretty sure (unless you are
very talented) after some flights somehow the idea will arise to have the oportunity to train your
flying skills without some (maybee more) hard landings or (worse) crashes.

Here I describe a way to connect nearly every R/C transmitter to your PC using an Arduino UNO
board. Why? Because I bought a quadcopter and hat some hard landings and crashes so I started
training on the PC using a flight simulator controlled by my R/C transmitter.
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