Thursday, July 20, 2017

DEC112 - Funding Application -


Today we completed the next step in advancing our efforts to make next generation 112 available for people in need in Austria.
We have submitted a funding application to, Austrias largest internet funding initiative. One part of the application was the requirement for a short video about us, the project and the goals.

You can find it on youtube (in german) - be nice to us, we are not video professionals :-)


See also the introduction to DEC112.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Helping deaf and hearing impaired people in Austria - DEC112


Today’s emergency services are almost voice-only capable and only a marginal share of data and multimedia is used by Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).

Improving access to emergency services for deaf and hard of hearing citizens induces enabling PSAPs and people in need to handle their modes of communications such as text.


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mobile phone holder made of Lego bricks

Making a mobile phone or tablet holder out of Lego bricks is not only very easy but also
fun to do.

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Little Wireshark

In times of Carrier IQ and other unwanted pieces of software possibly active on your mobile phone it would be nice to have tools like on your desktop PC to see whats going on. One of these tools on a PC is WireShark, a network sniffer. Unfortunately it only runs on PC’s (either Windows or Linux) and not on your SmartPhone. So how would it be possible to trace your phones network traffic?

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Track SIM card changes

Some Windows Mobile 6.x phones have a very nice feature which allows you to get notified if someone removes your SIM card from your phone (e.g. in case it was lost or stolen) and inserts another one. Unfortunately this feature is buried very deep in config menus for example on a Windows Mobile 6.5 phone (Samsung Omnia B-7350). It’s called uTrack or MobileTracker.
This post shows a step by step guide how to enable this feature and what happens in case of a SIM change.

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