FAST WebComponents
Version 1.0, 13.06.2001

Component: ---
Version: 1.0 / 13.06.2001
Author: Burak Alpugan

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Below you can find the source for the Indices-Comparison. Copy and paste it in your html code and modify it according to your needs.

--------------- Source Start ---------------
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

function ochart_onload()

// end -->

function B1_onclick() {
	var sLine;
	var s = document.risnet.Ric2.options[document.risnet.Ric2.selectedIndex].value;
	if (s =="") {
	else {
	var z=document.forms[0].Samples.value;
	sLine=sLine+"&Height=250&Width=400&Period=Daily&Legend=True&Cadre=FALSE&Samples=" + z;
	if (document.risnet.chkVolume.checked) {
		sLine = sLine + "&Volume=True";
	if (document.risnet.chkLegend.checked) {
		sLine = sLine + "&Legend=True";
	if (!document.risnet.chkAverage.checked) {
	document.risnet.oChart.src = "" + sLine;
// end -->
<FORM NAME="risnet">
<TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="550" bgcolor="#001468">
	<TR VALIGN="top">
		<TD WIDTH="100%">
			<FONT SIZE="2" FACE="Arial" COLOR="white">
<TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="550" BGCOLOR="#001468"> <TR VALIGN= "top"> <TD> <FONT SIZE="2" FACE="Arial" COLOR="white"> Indizes Name <BR> <SELECT NAME="Ric" ID="Ric"> <OPTION VALUE=".ATX">AustrianTradedIndex <OPTION VALUE=".GDAXI">DeutscherAktienIndex </SELECT> <INPUT ID="chkVolume" TYPE="checkbox" VALUE="">Volume <BR> <INPUT ID="chkAverage" TYPE="checkbox" VALUE="True">Durchschnitt <BR><BR> Vergleichen mit: Tagezurück <BR> <SELECT NAME="Ric2" ID="Ric2"> <OPTION VALUE=".ATX">AustrianTraded Index <OPTION VALUE=".GDAXI">DeutscherAktienIndex </SELECT> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="Text" SIZE="14" ID="Samples" NAME="Samples" value="90"> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" ID="chkLegend" VALUE="" CHECKED="true"> <BR> Legende <BR><BR><BR></P> <DIV ALIGN="center"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="B1" VALUE="Vergleich" onClick= "B1_onclick();"> <BR> </DIV> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <CENTER> <IMG NAME="oChart" src="images/blank.gif"> </FORM> </BODY>
--------------- Source End -----------------
Indizes Name
   Volume   Average

Vergleichen mit:                         Days back

You have to use the following tag in the HTML-source code to display the Chart:

<img src="">

The parameters for getChart.exe are:

RIC: Ric (eg EUR=)

RIC2: 2nd ric to be able to compare... (No volume support)

Samples: Number of samples back from today.

Period: Period, can have the values 'Daily','Weekly','Monthly'

Height: Height of the image (for close price). If not specified than the default is 80.

VolumeHeight: Height of the volume section of the image. If not specified uses the 1/2 size of the original height.

Width: Width of the image. If not specified default is 150.

Average: Average line for 1st RIC. True/False. If not specified default value is TRUE.

BGColor: Background color for the image. Takes numerical values. (e.g. 16777215 for white or 0 for black). Default is white.

LineColor: Same as BGColor. Line color of the RIC.

LineColor2: Same as BGColor. Line color of the RIC.

AvgColor: Color of the average line (numerica).

Volume: TRUE or FALSE. Default is false. Recommended not to use if you choose 2 RICs' to be compared.

VolumeColor: Color of the volume (numerical).

FontColor: Color of the fonts (Numerical).

Cadre: TRUE or FALSE. If not specified it uses FALSE. This option displays or hides the tick labels (Dates and prices). Useful if you're generating a small image.

Legend: TRUE or FALSE. If not specified the default value is false. Useful if you're comparing 2 RICs and add the Average function.

(C) Copyright RIS-Regionale Informations Systeme GmbH, Prof. Dr. Stefan Koren Str. 10, A-2700 Wr. Neustadt, AUSTRIA, EUROPE &