You have to use the following tag in the HTML-source code to display the Chart:
<img src="">
The parameters for getChart.exe are:
RIC: Ric (eg EUR=)
RIC2: 2nd ric to be able to compare... (No volume support)
Samples: Number of samples back from today.
Period: Period, can have the values 'Daily','Weekly','Monthly'
Height: Height of the image (for close price). If not specified than the default is 80.
VolumeHeight: Height of the volume section of the image. If not specified uses the 1/2 size of the original height.
Width: Width of the image. If not specified default is 150.
Average: Average line for 1st RIC. True/False. If not specified default value is TRUE.
BGColor: Background color for the image. Takes numerical values. (e.g. 16777215 for white or 0 for black). Default is white.
LineColor: Same as BGColor. Line color of the RIC.
LineColor2: Same as BGColor. Line color of the RIC.
AvgColor: Color of the average line (numerica).
Volume: TRUE or FALSE. Default is false. Recommended not to use if you choose 2 RICs' to be compared.
VolumeColor: Color of the volume (numerical).
FontColor: Color of the fonts (Numerical).
Cadre: TRUE or FALSE. If not specified it uses FALSE. This option displays or hides the tick labels (Dates and prices). Useful if you're generating a small image.
Legend: TRUE or FALSE. If
not specified the default value is false. Useful if you're comparing 2
RICs and add the Average function.