FAST WebComponents
Version 1.1, 25.10.2001

Component: ValueField
Version: 1.3 / 25.10.2001

 OverView  |  Protocol  | WebComponents |  ChartEngine  |  Mobile  |  Press 
 ValueField  |  Ticker  |  LiveChart 

This is an example of the ValueField FAST-WebComponent. It displays one Field of a RIC in realtime and optionaly (if available) an up/down tick in either text (+/-) or Graphics form. Use the following code snippet to use it in a Webpage. 

<APPLET name="ValueField" archive=","
    		width="100" height= "20">
  		<PARAM NAME="UpdateURL" VALUE="ActiveFAST.asp">
  		<PARAM NAME="UpdateInterval" VALUE="10"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="Background" VALUE="8080FF"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="Foreground" VALUE="FFFFFF"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="Font" VALUE="Arial"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE="12"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="FontType" VALUE="BOLD"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="UpDownPosition" VALUE="LEFT"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="UpImageURL" VALUE="up.gif"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="DownImageURL" VALUE="down.gif"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="NullImageURL" VALUE="null.gif"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="EqualImageURL" VALUE="eq.gif"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="ChangeIndicator" VALUE="YES">
  		<PARAM NAME="onClick" VALUE="">
  		<PARAM NAME="onClickTarget" VALUE="_blank">
  		<PARAM NAME="Info" VALUE="Austrian Index">
  		<PARAM NAME="LicenseKey" VALUE="Ddj34R-er81fC-Mer15L-oHCx3Q-TR45I2"> 
  		<PARAM NAME="Debug" VALUE="YES"> 

The applet can operate in 2 modes: TICK and POLL. In TICK mode a connection to the ActiveFAST server is established and remains open. Every change in either the "ValueFID" or the "UpDownFID" is immediately displayed on screen. In the moment every ActiveFAST WebComponent uses it's own connection to the ActiveFAST server. When there are a lot of WebComponents on a page this can become very inefficient. There will be a multiplexer applet available in the near future, but for the moment dont use a lot of WebComponents in TICK mode on onw page. The PULL mode as the name says pulls new data from the Server in predefined intervals (see the UpdateInterval parameter). This mode is very efective because the connection is closed during the pull cycles. The operation of the component is specified by the two parameters Port and UpdateURL. If Port is specified then the component uses TICK mode, if UpdateURL is specified then PULL mode is used. If no one is specified then TICK mode is used. In the case that both are specified then PULL mode is used. Keep in mind that an applet can only (under normal circumstances) communicate with the server from which it was loaded by the browser. So keep your WebComponents on the ActiveFAST server. A detailed description of the various parameters follows:

Parameter Description Default Example
Port port on fast server to connect this client to (for TICK operation) 18919 eg. 18919
UpdateURL *1) URL where to look for new data (for Pull operation). - eg. ActiveFAST.asp
UpdateInterval number of seconds to wait between updates (only used in Pull operation) 10 eg. 10
Background Background color of this applet in hex form C0C0C0 eg. FFFFFF
Foreground Foreground color of this applet in hex form 000000 eg. 8080FF
InfoBackground Background color of the info area in hex form value of Background eg. FFFFFF
InfoForeground Foreground color of the info area in hex form value of Foreground eg. 8080FF
ValueBackground Background color of the value area in hex form value of Background eg. FFFFFF
ValueForeground Foreground color of the value area in hex form value of Foreground eg. 8080FF
DiffBackground Background color of the diff area in hex form value of Background eg. FFFFFF
DiffForeground Foreground color of the diff area in hex form value of Foreground eg. 8080FF
Font Name of Font to use Arial eg. Courier
FontSize Font size 10 eg. 12
RIC RIC (Reuters Instrument Code) to fetch. .ATX eg. ATX
ValueFID Reuters Value field to display (FID). It is possible to specify more than one FID here
separated by spaces. This can be used in combination with the grouping functions in group.
For example: to calculate the average value for a money RIC you specify "BID ASK" for ValueFID
and AVG for group.
Info Shows an infotext on the left side of the applet. If it starts with an '@' the rest of the field is interpreted as the name of a RIC field and the value of this field is displayed as the info. eg. @DSPLY_NAME shows the Reuters name for this RIC - eg. Austrian Index
UpDownFID Up/Down tick field to display - eg. PRCTCK_1
UpDownPosition Specify where to position the Up/Down indicator (if any) LEFT RIGHT, LEFT
UpImageURL *1) URL of the Up symbol graphic (GIF,JPG) - eg. up.gif
DownImageURL *1) URL of the Up symbol graphic (GIF,JPG) - eg. down.gif
EqualImageURL *1) URL of the Equal symbol graphic (GIF,JPG) - eg. eq.gif
NullImageURL *1) URL of the Null symbol graphic, normaly a blank image (GIF,JPG) - eg. null.gif
ImagePaint Specifies how to paint the images. NONE - paints the image as it is, CENTER - tries to center the image and FIT - paints the image to fit inside the applet CENTER NONE, CENTER, FIT
UpDown2Diff If the diff area and the up/down indicator are visible then it could be possible that they dont correspond. This means for example that reuters delivers a down tick but the difference is positive. To solve this UpDown2Diff should be YES so that the up/down is not taken from reuters but from the difference. YES YES, NO
Null value handling
NullHandling activates explicit handling of 0 values NO YES, NO
NullInfo Shows an text on if the value of the ValueFID is 0. If it starts with an '@' the rest of the field is interpreted as the name of a RIC field and the value of this field is displayed as the info. eg. @HST_CLOSE shows the last historic close if the field value is 0 - eg. @HST_CLOSE
NullDiff Shows an text if the DiffPanel if the value of the ValueFID is 0. - eg. CLS
NullBackground Background color of this applet in hex form C0C0C0 eg. FFFFFF
NullForeground Foreground color of this applet in hex form 8F8F8F eg. 8080FF
NullInfoBackground Background color of the info area in hex form value of NullBackground eg. FFFFFF
NullInfoForeground Foreground color of the info area in hex form value of NullForeground eg. 8080FF
NullValueBackground Background color of the value area in hex form value of NullBackground eg. FFFFFF
NullValueForeground Foreground color of the value area in hex form value of NullForeground eg. 8080FF
NullDiffBackground Background color of the diff area in hex form value of NullBackground eg. FFFFFF
NullDiffForeground Foreground color of the diff area in hex form value of NullForeground eg. 8080FF
ChangeType If not NONE the difference to the previous field contents is displayed either as percentage (PCT) or as absolute value (ABS) NONE NONE, PCT, ABS
ChangeTypeFID If specified and ChangeIndicator is also set then the difference is calculated against the Reuters RIC field specified. - eg. HST_CLOSE
DiffTemplate Defines the width of the diff area in form of a mask -99,99 eg. -9.999,9999
DiffDecimals How many decimal places should be displayed in the diff area 2 eg. 4
Change Indicator
ChangeIndicator Flashes the Background of the Applet in the color set by IndicatorColor when the Applets contens changes. The default period is 250ms. This can be changed if you specify the time in ms for how long the Background color should be changed. YES=250ms, NO=0ms or any other time in milliseconds. YES YES, NO, time in ms
IndicatorColor Color for ChangeIndicator in hex form FF0000 eg. F80AF0
Click Actions
onClick URL to jump to when the field is clicked - eg.
onClickTarget Target for the onClick URL - _self, _parent, _top, _blank or name
LicenseKey to be obtained from RISNet ( -

eg. Ddj34R-er81fC-Mer15L-oHCx3Q-TR45I2

Expression Provides a way to do mathematical calculations with the data received from ActiveFAST. The expression is evaluated AFTER the BasicMath functions. All BasicMath functions can be replaced with expresions so they will be removed in further versions. They are only available for compatibility in the moment. Variable usage is possible within expressions. Some special variables are available in expressions like PI or E and FAST_Value which is the result of the BasicMath functions. ActiveFAST fields in the ValueFID parameter are prefixed with FAST__ (2x underscore).


Operators available: +, -, ^, /, *, !=, ==, <=, >=, <, >, !, ||, &&

Boolean expressions are evaluated to be either 1 or 0 (true or false respectively).

Decimal point is '.'
- eg. FAST_Value+1,08 or
Decimals Specifies how many decimal places should be shown in the output (if it is numeric). The value is rounded to fit into decimals places. 4 eg. 2
shr shifts the fields contents to the right by n characters 0 eg. 2
group *) groups the values from the fields specified in ValueFID in various ways.
In the moment only AVG (average) and SUM (summary) are available.
- eg. AVG, SUM
div100 *)

if the fields contents is numeric setting this switch to 1 divides the contents by 100

0 eg. 1
mul100 *) the same as div100 but multiplies with 100 0 eg. 1
Debug Shows some debug informations in the Java Console (internal use only) NO YES, NO
*) This functions (called BasicMath functions) are usefull to modify the fields contents in a very basic way. They will be not included in the final product but in the moment they are quite usefull. More sophisticated content manipulation functions capable of regular expressions etc. will be developed in the near future replaceing this functions. As of the availability of the Expression parameter this functions will be removed in the future and are only available for compatibility now.
*1) These parameters are URL's. If they are specified relative (eg. without http....) the will be prefixed internaly by the applet with the path of the applet itself. NOTE: The default Java security manager allows an apllet only TCP/IP (and thus URL) connection to the host from where it was loaded. So in the case of the RISNet ActiveFAST server you can only specify URL's on the ActiveFAST server of RISNet!!

This is a TICK example (1st row uses graphics for up down, 2nd uses Text)

This is a PULL example (same as above and 10 seconds update interval) 


(C) Copyright RIS-Regionale Informations Systeme GmbH, Prof. Dr. Stefan Koren Str. 10, A-2700 Wr. Neustadt, AUSTRIA, EUROPE &